Monday, April 18, 2011

Welcome Patricia!

Last Thursday was a fun time regardless of the weather.  We were under tornado watch and had some high winds so our group was smaller than usual.  Several live too far away to take any chances when the weather is bad.  Better cautious than sorry...

We learned  a lot last week!  Patricia W. was welcomed to our group.  Her talents are many and wonderful.  ;o) 

With her was her new spinning wheel.  She is a new spinner and she learning quickly. 

It was also great to see a really affordable spinning wheel that none of us knew about!  It's called the Shamrock    and is produced by Bluebonnet Spinning Wheel Company     in Cleveland, TX.   Take a look and see the styles that are offered.  I was especially taken by the Basic Bumblebee that is especially affordable at $199.00.  Wow!

Amber brought her spindle and is really progressing with it.  She just needed a little Pat B. and there she went!  ;o)

Hopefully this Thursday will not be so filled with weather.  See y'all then...  ;o)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Prolific Knitters

It was so much fun to pile up our finished articles and see what we have accomplished so far...the pile on the table includes 16 scarves. Time to work on some hats now.
Linda brought her card weaving to finish up a project....
Caroline was working on another scarf...she was knitting so fast that the photo blurred....
Amber was working out a hat pattern...and there is Caroline again working on her scarf. Can't remember what everyone else was working on, but they were all busy....I was eating and working on a sock.

We had a good meeting as usual and before I knew it, it was time to go!